Back to the Fire: The Importance of Preserving First Nations Teachings
Back To The Fire is a documentary series that gets inside the lives of prominent First Nations leaders like Chief Gibby Jacob of the Squamish Nation to explore the importance of reviving traditional teachings that are the bedrock of healthy and prosperous Indigenous communities. This film will communicate how the tradition has been lost and how, if it is not restored in a way that incorporates the modern world with the old ways, we are at risk of losing or severely damaging our culture.
“We are an oral culture. Everything changed when Indigenous children were taken from their homes and sent to residential schools. The circle was broken. This series is dedicated to all the children who never made it home, and to the resiliency and healing of the survivors.” - Chief Gibby Jacob, Squamish Nation
Back to the Fire is a documentary series based on traditional leadership teachings. Training traditionally took place in the Longhouse. Leaders would gather around the communal fire with the people to discuss the day’s events and upcoming activities to attend to. Out of this ‘classroom’ came the actions required to move forward. This film will communicate how the tradition has been lost and how, if it is not restored in a way that incorporates the modern world with the old ways, we are at risk of losing or severely damaging our culture.